Call for Proposals for a Consultancy on Technological Developments for Sustainable Mining and Environmental Protection and Monitoring in the Area
The Secretariat of the International Seabed Authority (ISA) is accepting proposals for consultancy services for the preparation of background documents and the organization of an online workshop on technological developments for sustainable mining, environmental protection and monitoring.
The consultancy will support ISA in delivering on its obligation to take the necessary measures to acquire technology and scientific knowledge relating to activities in the Area and to promote and encourage the transfer of such technology and scientific knowledge to developing States and to the Enterprise.
Applicants should have the requisite experience and expertise in (i) state-of-the-art marine technologies, (ii) modern mining and monitoring technologies, (iii) environmental monitoring and (iv) engineering, including advising on matters concerning the inspection and classification of marine, mining and monitoring technologies.
Application should be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than 20 October 2022 and should comprise a resume, a cover letter and the completed Annex A that can be found in the Terms of Reference.
Read the Terms of Reference for this consultancy.